MTR night 1
After work and the family activities were complete for the day I spent some time working on the MTR kit from Steve Weber. Tonight's activity was going through the parts list and validating the parts inventory. I separated all of the parts except for the SMT ICs in their seperate static bag. It looks like I have everything that I am expecting.
Total time: 30 minutes
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QSOs for Tuesday
I worked HP1WW on 12m CW (Panama)
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QSOs for Monday
I worked TO3X on 17m SSB (St Barts)
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It has arrived!!!
The new MTR kit from Steve Weber KD1JV arrived in the mail today.
It is a dual band HF rig design with the idea of being trail friendly. (aka: very small) This will probably be a 20/40 rig once I get it built. This is part of the initial run of 150 for Steve's first release of this model.
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Weekend Rain
We had 1.25" in the rain gauge when I got home Sunday night. Acording to the Weather Service another ~5 inches of rain would get us back to our seasonal normal mosture level. --Not too likely.
Sunday Roadtrip
Clearly I must have been in a mood driving across northern Missouri and southern Iowa.
It was mix of deep grey skies between rain storms then changed and bright blue for 2-3 minutes at a time between the clouds as I drove north on highway 65. B&W with hints of muted Polariod color was the mental image of rural America on Sunday.
Saturday at Ozarkcon
I won a nice door prize from the Xtal Set Society:
I also won the Grand Prize sponsored by the 4 State QRP Group:
Ozarkcon was a great event. It was a lot of fun to meet people, listen to speakers, and browse the flea market tables.
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Friday at Ozarkcon
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Southern Iowa near the Missouri boarder.