Jacob with the iron
Jacob N0AEA (14) worked on his first project soldering something together tonight.
Jacob N0AEA (14) at the work bench
Tonight's project was a K1EL USB Winkeyer. The Winkeyer is a great little tool, in fact it is so good that this is my second kit. Ben N2BEN (Jacob's younger brother) put our original one together a couple of years ago. I decided that I wanted one that is dedicated to my shack and a second one that can be used remotely for events like camping and Field Day. (I dislike stealing bits and pieces of my shack so I like to have dedicated gear for at home and a different set of gear for operating remotely.)
K1EL USB Winkeyer (It is a must have tool)
Jacob did great job on the project and showed some good patience for his first project. End to end our project took about two hours to assemble at a casual pace.
73 de NG0R