Fargo Hamfest 2013
This has become an annual trip for me recently....
Old guys looking at old radios. :-)
A good turn out on a cool & rainy morning
Do you need a capacitor?
Do you need an old plug in crystal?
They had lots of tubes on hand for sale
Some more tubes? Do you need a tube?
Guess what, some more tubes for sale.
Tubes in NOS (new old stock) boxes
Tubes from the MAN? (Does that mean that they will listen in on us?)
Overall I had a good time. The only items that I bought were a couple of mini-log books for my HF rig in my truck, and a QRP book focused on homebrew designs. In past years I had bought quite a bit of homebrew supplies. This year I had some restraint and decided that unless it had specific value for an upcoming project on my workbench it was not headed back to my QTH.
I spent quite a bit of time talking with my friends John, Ray, and Roger who were also in attendance but drove seperately.
73 de NG0R