Arduino time
It has been a while since I have had a chance to write any code for the Arduino. I pulled out another breadboard, a Nano, some header pins, an encoder, and a I2C 20x4 LCD.
Arduino Nano + I2C 20x4 LCD + rotary encoder
Right now I am just making sure that the I am getting text on the LCD. If time permits this afternoon I would like to write & test some code that would use the encoder spinning to increase/decrease a number. It would be another building block in my VFO for the rig that I am trying to design in my spare time. (Nonexistent space time.)
A quick sketch to test the I2C interface to the LCD.
I am trying to break down the project so that if I have 30-60 minutes of time that I can work on a small module.
73 de NG0R