Ozarkcon 2014
Cristy (K0AEA) and I (NG0R) drove down to Branson for Ozarkcon.
Cristy working on the regen receiver project. First time soldering since high school and she did a great job.
Pittsburgh (Kansas) style construction
The complete kit including a great wood case that we won from Jim N5IB
A great presentation about operating from northern Iraq
Larry is talking to folks about some rigs that he is selling
Jim does a great job of putting his gear into these sweet looking wooden cases
The build-a-thon Friday night after the banquet dinner
The build-a-thon Friday night after the banquet dinner
A great presentation about participating in a DX Expedition
Power meter board, two network analyzer boards for an Arduino, and a crystal test fixture board that I purchased from Jim N5IB.
Cristy and I dropped off our sons (Jacob, Ben, and Joe) and our dog Max with my mom and then we left Minnesota (and an approaching spring snow storm) and headed south. We broke up the 700 mile drive over a couple of days so that it resembled some more like a leisurely trip.
Cristy's friend Sabrina drove up from Tulsa to hang out with Cristy on Saturday while I did my radio thing.
We had a good time. There are a great turn out from across the country. There were six of us that made the trip from Minnesota. We enjoyed the banquet dinner Friday night and the build-a-thon after dinner. Saturday during the day was spent attending the seminars. Saturday night the Minnesota crew (along with Sabrina) all went out for a steak dinner and lots of fun conversation. Sunday was a long but eventful 700 mile drive back home.
It was fun to get away for a long weekend and relax talking about my hobby.
73 de NG0R