Ben (N2BEN) and I worked the Minnesota QSO Party on a casual basis today. We worked about 2 hours this morning and then headed to lunch. We visited the Crow River Club (W0CRC) operating at KDUZ and borrowed a couple slices of pizza and then headed out for a couple of tacos and some errands. We returned home and operated the last two hours of the contest. (Total operating time was about 4 hours)

All of our time on SSB was spent running. The rate on 40m in the morning was ok, but the rate on 20m was pretty brisk. People like hearing a child's voice (11 year old) on the radio and it was pretty distinctive on the voice keyer. :-) Ben did a great job running the pile-up and I focused on the logging the contacts.

Most of the MN counties were in the morning while we were working CW search & pounce chasing the rovers. In the end we had 75 multipliers which is decent given our limited time on the air.
Since I was looking at scores I thought that it would be fun to look at over previous years.
2012: 25,050 points
2011: 8,282 points
2010: 7,074 points
2009: 2,668 points
2008: 4,653 points (first year with Ben operating)
73 de NG0R