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Capacitor Party

I started sorting more stuff from the Fargo Hamfest.  This time it was a large bag of capacitors. The seller had them stored in old fishing lure boxes... the little clear plastic ones that they used to sell fishing lures in 20 years ago.

I ended up sorting them by value (and measuring a few of them with my meter to make sure that they were properly labeled.)  I ended up starting a new parts bin for them. Most of them are 3kv and 5% parts.

My family is watching Hawaii 5-0 on DVD and I am at the work bench sorting parts.  :-)

73 de NG0R

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Bread Slicers

As I work on cleaning up the workbench I thought that I would post some images of a few of the items that I purchased at the Fargo Hamfest over the summer.

I think that each of these was in the $2-$5 range.  I missed a nice variable roller inductor by about 30 seconds. --Likely my miss for the event.

73 de NG0

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Lost TinyTrak: Found

As I move from my old home office to my new home office I have been stacking a lot of "stuff" on the electrical workbench in the other room.  The thought is that as I throw things away (old parts, old projects, stuff) that I will try to spend a few minutes stripping off things like connectors that might have value on other homebrew projects.

As I am working way through the stack of stuff on the bench I found this little black project box with some serial connectors.  It turns out that it is one of several TinyTraks that I own but no longer use.

The TinyTrak is a APRS interface between a GPS and a Amateur Radio. It made me laugh, it should help you from getting lost.  It was lost and I just found it.  ;-)

I am going to remove it from the project box but likely will file the TinyTrak away. I think that I have another one or two around here someplace. Maybe it will become part of a future project or I will give them away at a future club meeting somewhere.

73 de NG0R

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It looks a lot like winter

Everything looks like nice, fresh, and clean this morning after the snowfall.  There is not quite enough snow to cross country ski (I will check the trails while I am out running errands just in case there is a chance of skiing later today) but just enough snow that I had to plow the driveway and shovel the sidewalks last night.

The weather service is predicting 40 to 50 degrees later this week so this snow will likely be a memory in a couple of days.

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QSOs for Sunday

I worked DR60BENE on 10m RTTY. (I stumbled across them looking for another DX station.)  I figured that DR probably was Germany but the rest of the callsign did not make sense.  After a quick visit to I discovered that it is a special event station related to Pope Benedikt XVI.

Hopefully I will have time later in the day to put some more contacts into the log. If not, then this was a good one to keep my daily goal in pace.

73 de NG0R