2008 ARRL JAN VHF Contest

This was my first VHF contest that I have worked from our new house in EN25. Overall
things worked pretty well. The band conditions were pretty brutal which is typical
of Jan in Minnesota.

This contest had a lot of firsts for me:

  • 1296 transverter (from W0AMT's stash of gear.)

  • Elecraft 222 transverter replaced
    my old Microwave Modules until

  • Kenwood TR751 as the IF rig for the microwave bands

  • RF relay between the 144/432 line from the Icom 706MKIIG and the amplifiers

  • Band pass filters for 50 & 144MHz

  • PTT/Keyline distribution system

  • All the antennas are new... this is the first contest for the VHF tower

  • Serious station integration

Some things that I would like to add, change, improve for the next VHF contest:

  • Add a switch box to
    be able to use one microphone with all of the radios

  • My ability to decode CW by ear

  • Add a 902 antenna and transverter to the station

  • Use my Elecraft K2 (still
    unbuilt in the original kit box) as my IF for 222
    (eventually for 144, 222, and 432)

Thanks to KC0IYT/R and W9FZ/R for the bands and grids... it would have been a much
slower contest without you.