2008 ARRL August UHF Contest
This was the first August UHF contest from this house. (We built it 3 years ago.) I
thought that conditions on Saturday afternoon were kind of average or poor. Once the
sun went down and the relative humidity went up it seemed like some of the paths
started to open up. On Sunday it seemed like conditions were decent but the activity
level was kind of low. During the last 2 hours of the contest I had a thunderstorm
sit a couple of miles away. I had to disconnect the coax and rotor cables do the nearby
lightning activity.
Working W0ZQ/R and W9FZ/R through a bunch of grids. (Many of them new for me.)
Working N0PB in EM39
Working K2YAZ in EN74
Working N0GZ in EN31
Working W0FLS in EN21
Working N9LR in EN50
First contest with the 902 antenna on the tower. (Thanks to W0AMT for the transverter)
First contest with the IF switch box and transverters relocated to our utility room
Wish was better:
More activity (the rovers were awesome... but we need the fixed stations to be active
as well.)
Thunderstorm during the last two hours of the contest
My 902/1296 IF rig is slightly deaf compared to my backup IF rig.
Need to get a microphone for the backup IF rig so that I can migrate to this radio.
Better band conditions.
Some missed 902/1296 opportunities with K0AWU, K2DRH, etc.
EN25 is not quite on people's radar so I sometimes struggle getting people to look
my way.
Future Plans:
I would like to get a 2304 system on the air some point on the VHF/UHF tower.
I would like to get a 10GHz system up on my HF tower. (I need more bands!)
My Elecraft K2 will be driving more of the lower band transverters as time progresses.
Grids works on 222mhz
Grids works on 432mhz
Grids works on 902mhz
Grids works on 1296mhz
Thunderstorms at the end of the contest