2008 ARRL September VHF Contest


I was scrambling to swap out my Kenwood TR-751 as the IF rig for the transverters
with an older Kenwood TR-9130. I was messing with getting the power levels tweaked,
the 6 pin mic connector, and the discovery that it has a PTT-High interface. Once
the TR-9130 was in place I had to adjust the TX & RX levels within the transverter.
It appears that my 1296 transverter may only be putting out 4-5watts instead of the
15-18watts that it is rated for.

The weather was poor with rain & drizzle pretty much all weekend. I could hear
the rain approaching 10 minutes before it hit as the noise level on 6m & 2m would
increase from S0 to S6.

The activity level was extremely low. I was surprised at how quiet it was for the
contest. The voice & CW keyer ran un-answered for large portions of the contest.
Finally Sunday evening around 7:00pm I pulled the plug on the contest and decide to
work on homework with my kids, clean my office/shack, and watch part of a movie.

My log is about 60% lighter than I would have expected for this contest.


I worked N0UY in EN18, N0PB in EM39 and then briefly into EN50, EN51, and EN52

Thanks to KC0IYT/R and W0ZQ/R for their efforts to put on a limited rove this weekend.
Without you it have been a really quiet event.



Grids Worked on 50MHz

Grids Worked on 144MHz

Grids Worked on 222MHz

Grids Worked on 432MHz

Grids Worked on 902MHz

Grids Worked on 1296MHz