Woohoo! Felix uploaded his log tonight. A couple of hours after working
him on 40m I found that it was already online. To be honest I was a little worried
that he did not copy my callsign correctly. The band conditions were very poor.
I am very excited. I have been wanting to work someone down there for many years.
At my old QTH (home) the RF noise was very high due to the fact that I was in a large
metro area. At our new (4 year old) QTH my noise level typically S0 or S1 especially
in the winter period for North America. There are Q's like this that I just could
not make at the previous QTH. I have been talking with my 3 boys about trying to make
a Q with the South Pole for a couple of years. I thought that it would be something
fun for them to talk about at school. At some point I hope that one of them can make
the Q and have a short conversation with someone down there.
73 de NG0R in EN25ue