N2BEN + transverter + bench time

Ben (N2BEN... age 9) has been asking me for a few days if we could build a project
or kit again. (A sign that he either has "the knack" or cabin fever.) So tonight I
pushed my home brew projects a side pulled out my box of Elecraft
transverter kits. I have a XV144 and XV432 that are awaiting some bench time to
get built. (I have a completed XV222 that I have been using for about 2 years.)
So tonight we started the XV144 kit. We sorted the components into project boxes for
temporary storage. We then assembled the front board. There are probably about 3 dozen
components. I read the directions and handed the parts to Ben and then he put the
parts onto the circuit board. We shared the soldering duties... he ran the iron and
I ran the solder.
We probably spend about 70 minutes tonight on the project.
It will be fun to plug these into the K2 once the project is done.
73 de NG0R