I am making some progress on trying to get PIKLAB to program my 16F628A under Ubuntu.

I decided to install PIKlab on my Linux Netbook (Ubuntu 9.10 32bit) and compare the results with my desktop (running Ubuntu 10.4 64bit.) Sure enough there is a difference.

On Ubuntu 9.10 I have PIKLAB v0.15.4 installed which has support for the PICkit2 firmware v2
On Ubuntu 10.4 I have PIKLAB v0.15.7 installed with has support for PICkit2 firmware v1

The newer version of PIKLAB on the newer version of Ubuntu does not support the newer PICkit with v2 firmware. Whatsup' with that?

My Netbook (with Ubuntu 9.10) seems to be able to talk more with my programmer than my desktop but it is still not working properly. When I reboot my Netbook over to XP it programs the PICkit2 just fine.  --argh.

Messing with the programmer eats up time that could be spent writing code and working on schematics. (I should be working on my keyer software for the QRSS rig.)

73 de NG0R
