2010 MNQP Award
A nice piece of paper came in the mail today....

Last February Ben (who was nine at the time) and I operated the Minnesota QSO Party for a little while. This is the second time that Ben and I have gotten a piece of artwork for the wall from this contest.
To be real honest there is not a lot of activity in Meeker County let alone other multi-op stations. We have a pretty good chance to get something in the email if we spend an hour or two operating.
I think that Ben made about 83 SSB contacts and I made 24 CW contacts once Ben stopped operating. We had fun during our brief time operating the contest. Ben enjoyed being the center of the pile-up.
Here is the blog post from last winter after the end of the event.
73 de NG0R

Last February Ben (who was nine at the time) and I operated the Minnesota QSO Party for a little while. This is the second time that Ben and I have gotten a piece of artwork for the wall from this contest.
To be real honest there is not a lot of activity in Meeker County let alone other multi-op stations. We have a pretty good chance to get something in the email if we spend an hour or two operating.
I think that Ben made about 83 SSB contacts and I made 24 CW contacts once Ben stopped operating. We had fun during our brief time operating the contest. Ben enjoyed being the center of the pile-up.
Here is the blog post from last winter after the end of the event.
73 de NG0R