PCB Design Thoughts
I have been talking with N0FP directly on other folks via email about my time spent trying out some different EE cad tools. A couple of common questions seem to continue to come up....
How do you move between LTSpice and a CAD program like TinyCad, Eagle, or KiCad?
Being able to import/export with LTSpice is a big deal if you want to easily model
your projects.
Auto numbering of parts - This is a great feature if you can use and still go back
and tweak the component numbers by region on the board or completely renumber if you
add a part to the board, etc.
Making a new part - I need to test how easy/complex it is to make a new raw part/component
for the schematic & layout tool.
Good auto router integration - So far TinyCad+FreePCB has had the output from the
auto router. I still need to get this working with Eagle prior to buying Eagle...
if I buy Eagle.